Law firm LLC “Victoria Just ” was founded by two lawyers with almost 60 years of professional experience between them.

We specialize in complex legal cases in the field of economics and business, including litigation, bankruptcy, multiparty transactions, tax disputes.
We also work in the field of criminal law within the framework of the economic corpus delicti.
Additionally, we have extensive experience in negotiation processes.
Often, clients come to us when other lawyers or law firms are not able to help.
We work in Russian law, as well as through foreign partners we provide services in the field of law in Great Britain, Estonia, Finland, Switzerland, and many other countries.

Юридическая комания ООО «Виктория Юст». Юридические услуги в Санкт-Петербурге

In 1994 she graduated from the Faculty of Law of St. Petersburg State University with honors, and a few years later studied tax consultancy at the same university.

From the very beginning of her professional career, she strived to maintain a multidisciplinary practice. And it succeeded! Her career path went from a bank and a construction organization to audit and consulting companies, and in parallel with career growth from the head of the legal department to the head of several firms.

As a result, she has extensive experience in such areas of legal practice: investment projects, including those with an assessment of various legal risks, business restructuring, reorganization and bankruptcy of large enterprises, support of tax audits and tax disputes, real estate transactions of varying complexity, registration issue of shares, resolution of corporate conflicts, challenging electronic trading in the antimonopoly authority, various arbitration practice.

But the most important thing is long-term cooperation with clients who continue to address their questions regardless of their place of work!

Руководитель компании Виктория Черненко - ООО «Виктория Юст» юридическая компания в Санкт-Петербурге

Director of company

victoria chernenko

Professional lawyer with 30 years of experience.

It’s difficult to name an area of the law unfamiliar to me.

My specialty doesn’t fall within any one part of the law. Rather, I consider my versatility and ability to solve any problem presented as my core strength.
I revel in difficult negotiations, and pride myself on making the staunchest opponents see eye to eye.
Achieving lasting peace is of greater value to me than winning an argument.

Managing partner


Управляющий партнер Михаил Онацкий - ООО «Виктория Юст» юридическая компания в Санкт-Петербурге
Victoria Just, LLC
TIN: 7842182690

+7 (812) 339 09 78
IEC: 784201001
PSRN: 1207800088286
St. Petersburg, st. Shpalernaya 51, Business-Center "Tavrichesky" office 105