Our company operates in the field of real estate transactions in the following areas:

• Structuring and legal support for real estate transactions;
• Organization of tenders or participation in the case of bankruptcies;
• Privatization of state-owned real estate;
• Development of concession agreements;
• Legal support of state registration of rights to real estate objects and transactions with them;
• Legal verification of the legal rights to a land plot or other real estate object;
• Introduction of real estate objects into the authorized capital of legal entities, as well as their transfer to the ownership of legal entities as a result of the reorganization;
• Recognition of ownership of real estate objects, including their exclusion from bankruptcy / seized property.


Our lawyers have accumulated tremendous experience in litigation. Therefore, we understand the logic of the court when resolving disputes, and we know how to structure the evidence and lead the line of defense in court so that the court’s decision is in favor of our client.
In addition, an experienced litigation lawyer not only works well with evidence but can also feel and even predict the judge's opinion, instantly adjusting his position.


Bankruptcy is an important specialization of most of our lawyers.
Bankruptcy legislation provides our clients with opportunities that no other area of law provides. In particular, within the framework of the bankruptcy process, it is possible to retrospectively challenge transactions for up to three years on such grounds, which is otherwise impossible outside of bankruptcy.
Also, within the framework of bankruptcy, it is possible to bring managers and other directors to personal material (subsidiary) liability.
For our clients bankruptcy is sometimes the only legal way to annul unpaid debts within the legal framework. An unfortunate situation to be sure, but n such a situation, having the best lawyers behind you can make all the difference.


Contracts concluded without legal support have a high risk of non-execution or contestation. It is the lawyers who not only monitor the formal legality of the contract, but also investigate the possibility of default by the counterparty, to think of a system of interim measures, and also take into account the tax risks of transactions.

Unfortunately, we have seen many cases when the participation of a lawyer in negotiations on the part of counterparties jeopardized the very possibility of concluding a deal. Therefore, we only allow lawyers to participate in negotiations with vast negotiating experience and mental flexibility when developing the structure and details of a contract.

What is a “Complex Contract?”
We refer to complex contracts not only as contracts with a multi-level structure, but also contracts that are made with the potential for one party to experience bankruptcy. We also refer to situations that are emotionally complex and difficult to navigate, for example divorce proceedings or a protracted corporate conflict. It is imperative to involve the most experienced and psychologically stable lawyers to participate in the negotiations on such cases. Only the participation of an adequate mediator can neutralize the negative atmosphere of such sensitive matters.


Our lawyers have extensive experience in structuring and supporting investment processes.

In addition, in our practice, it is not uncommon for us to combine the interests of our different clients, providing investment opportunities between them.

Our company provides assistance at all stages of an investment project:

• Conducting due diligence of the project;
• Implementation of assessment activities, including the assessment of legal and financial risks;
• Development of financing/investment options;
• Preparation of the entire volume of documentation for the transaction;
• Obtaining permission from the antimonopoly authority;
• If necessary, full legal support for the issue of securities;
• Legal support of reorganization procedures;
• Legal support of registration processes.


Our specialists have expert experience in protecting the interests of clients against the tax authorities at all stages:

• Participation in negotiations with the tax authority;
• Participation in tax control activities;
• Drafting objections to acts of field tax audits,
• Submission to a higher tax authority of appeals against decisions made as a result of tax audits;
• Appeal to the arbitration court of decisions, actions (inaction) of tax authorities and their officials,
• “Reanimation” of organizations unlawfully and/or prematurely excluded from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

Often, our lawyers seek to reduce the requirements of the tax authority at the pre-trial stage.
Also, our specialists carry out an analysis of tax risks, taking into account, among other things, the changing court practice in tax disputes.
We doubt anyone would dispute the claim that our tax lawyers are the best in their field.


We also offer a subscription agreement both with those enterprises that do not have a lawyer in their staff and with those who have such a lawyer. In essence, it is possible to pay a fixed fee to have access to one of several of our legal professionals for an agreed upon period of time.

The potential of a law firm and the combined experience of its lawyers are always higher than the potential and experience of one lawyer, and often it is the in-house lawyer of an enterprise who can honestly and competently transfer some of the most complex and important legal issues to a law firm.

Included in subscriber services to the organization, our lawyers, in addition to solving incoming issues, thoroughly study the specifics of the client's business and report, as preventive measures, possible legal risks of the present and future, as well as inform them about changes in legislation related to the relevant activities.

A law firm is a powerful filter for a huge number of diverse problems and disputes. Thanks to the vast experience of our legal teams, you can rest assured that you are in capable hands .

With the help of our foreign colleagues, we help open and support companies in foreign jurisdictions.

This may be required not only if your business interests extend to foreign countries, but also to ensure the confidentiality of ownership of a Russian asset, as well as for foreign trade transactions.


The role of the lawyer in divorce proceedings is key. And this means not only the legal, but also the psychological side of the issue.

In our practice, up to 90% of cases end with an amicable agreement, and all issues related to divorce are resolved: the division of property, including business assets and foreign property, the place of residence of the child, the amount of alimony.

The remaining 10% of cases are resolved in court, and more often than not exactly as we suggest in the negotiation process, only with the loss of time, effort, and money on both sides.


With a sufficiently developed and long-standing business, its founders / owners sometimes face various legal problems and their negative consequences, while not clearly understanding exactly the reasons. Then they turn to us in order to conduct a comprehensive legal audit of companies/holdings for the "recovery" of the business, taking into account the current legislation and current judicial practice in all areas of the audited business, to minimize legal risks. We assist in updating documentation, including changing the structure of transactions, updating and adjusting agreements in the interests of the client, internal local acts, various standards, and other documentation.


We solve various business restructuring problems. We are often approached by businessmen who, with their partners, have reached the level of a successful, sufficiently developed and diversified business, and lose centralized control over it.

Also, our specialists successfully resolve corporate conflicts of various types and origins.



Victoria Just, LLC
TIN: 7842182690

+7 (812) 339 09 78
IEC: 784201001
PSRN: 1207800088286
St. Petersburg, st. Shpalernaya 51, Business-Center "Tavrichesky" office 105